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AUTOSAR Memory Stack is a collection of software modules that stores, clears and manages Memory. It consists of the following modules

  • Non-Volatile Memory Manager (NvM)
  • Memory Interface (MemIf)
  • Flash EEPROM Emulation (Fee)
  • EEPROM Abstraction (Ea)
  • Flash Driver (Fls)
  • EEPROM Driver (Eep)
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NvM: The NvM module ensures data storage and maintenance of NV (non-volatile) data

MemIf : The Memory Abstraction Interface (MemIf) abstracts from the number of underlying   FEE   or   EA   modules and provide upper layers with a   virtual segmentation on uniform linear address space. This ensures that the Non-Volatile Memory Manager (NvM) is independent of the driver interface layers of Eep and Fls

EEPROM Abstraction : Ea driver provides services for reading, writing, erasing data to/from an EEPROM, and abstracts the addressing of EEP from upper layers. This ensures that the upper layer (NvM) need not be changed if the underlying EEPROM driver and device is replaced.

Flash EEPROM Emulation: FEE abstracts from the device, a specific addressing scheme, and segmentation. This provides the upper layers (NvM) with a virtual addressing scheme, segmentation as well as a “virtually” unlimited number of erase cycles.

Flash Driver : Fls driver provides services for reading, writing, and erasing flash memory and a configuration interface for setting / resetting the write / erase protection if supported by the underlying hardware. driver for an internal flash memory accesses the microcontroller hardware directly and is located in the Microcontroller  Abstraction  Layer.  External flash memory is usually connected via the microcontroller’s data/address busses (memory-mapped access), the flash drive then uses the handlers/drivers for those busses to access the external flash memory device. The driver for an external flash memory device is located in the ECU Abstraction Layer

EEPROM driver : EeP driver provides services for reading, writing, erasing from  EEPROM.

NvM Blocks: NvM handles the following blocks

NV block: The NV block is a basic storage object and represents a memory area consisting of NV user data and (optionally) a CRC value.

RAM block: The RAM block is a basic storage object and represents an area in RAM consisting of user data and (optionally) a CRC value. CRC is only available if the corresponding NV block(s) also have a CRC. CRC has to be of the same type as that of the corresponding NV block(s)

ROM block: TheROM block is a basic storage object, resides in the ROM (FLASH) and is used to provide default data in case of an empty or damaged NV block.

Administrative block: The Administrative block shall be located in RAM and shall contain a block index that is used in association with   Dataset   NV   blocks.   Additionally,   attribute/error/status information of the corresponding   NVRAM   block shall be contained.

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